Abstract Thinking


Unlock the power of abstract thinking with our comprehensive online course. This course is designed to help you develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of complex concepts.


Course Topics:

  1. Basic principles of Aristotelian logic.
  2. Understanding fallacies and their examples.
  3. Speaking, debating, and arguing.
  4. Empathy, being in pairs and groups, and ultimately becoming one.
  5. Understanding and identifying the causes of human behavior and speech.
  6. Grasping historical contexts.
  7. Analyzing the causes and effects of events.
  8. Predicting and interpreting events and their consequences.
  9. Forecasting short- and medium-term economic trends.
  10. Predicting your future and that of those around you.
  11. Manipulating beliefs and understanding their consequences.
  12. Words, meanings, sentences, symbols, and references.
  13. Manipulating emotions and understanding and accepting the reality of each feeling.
  14. Understanding what it means to be human in today’s world and preparing to accept it.


Join us to enhance your abstract thinking abilities and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.