

Explore the intricate connections between sexuality and personal growth with our all-encompassing online course. Designed to enlighten and empower, our course addresses key aspects of sexual education that are often misunderstood or overlooked. Through expert insights and scientific research, we aim to demystify sex, foster healthy beliefs and promote overall well-being.


  • What kind of growth occurs in parallel with sex?
  • What kind of sex promotes growth in a person?
  • Sex and mental and physical development
  • Misconceptions about sex
  • What do sex or false beliefs about sex do to a person?
  • Is there good sex?
  • Is there bad sex and what are its signs?
  • How can one escape from a lifetime of sexual misconceptions?
  • Where do false sexual beliefs cause harm besides passive, pleasureless sex?
  • Pathology of lack of sex
  • Myths about sex and lack of sex
  • Is sex age-dependent? (The role of age in sexuality)
  • The role of early positive sexual experiences in sexual and other development
  • The role of early negative sexual experiences in lack of human development
  • G-spot is an anatomical fact, not a myth, and what is its important role?
  • Gender and neuronal basis of the G-spot and clitoris and their close relationship
  • The problem of inability to orgasm in people typically over 30, even those who are married with several children
  • Investigating and presenting solutions (research conducted at Chamran University)
  • Growth, belief, injury, experience