Dating Class


88.888000% of our lives are spent in relationships.

This means that we spend approximately 80 years either being in a relationship, seeking one, having been in one, or between relationships. Given this significant portion of our lives, isn’t it worth attending a class to scientifically and practically learn about these relationship dynamics?

By investing in such knowledge, you can enhance your understanding and management of relationships, ensuring a more fulfilling and harmonious life experience.


Lectures, Tips, and Strategies

– Micro Expressions Recognition

– Body Language

– Experiences

– Observations

– How to Articulate Words

– Expressing Emotions

– Timing for Actions, Words, Flirting, etc.

– Identifying Commitment Time with a Partner

– Recognizing Who is Not Suitable for You

– Finding the Right Person for a Relationship

– Knowing When to Leave a Date


Additionally, We Will Work On:

– Self-Improvement to Become a Suitable Partner

– Choosing the Right Phrases and Words

– Depth of Information to Share on the First Date


Style and Behavior:

– Your Style

– Your Behavior

– Dress Code

– Manners

– Fashion Sense


Understanding Colors and Fabrics:

– Judging Your Partner by Their Attire

– Greeting, Sitting, Dining Etiquette, Laughing, Speaking, and Continuing Conversations

We will teach you to understand what someone’s character is based on how they dress, which might sound strange but will be learned professionally and accurately.