Special people


Who it’s for:

– Those who have plans to be among the special people in the next 3 years.
– Those who want to connect and establish relationships with special people.
– Those who themselves have a very special and different character and wish to connect with special people.
– Those who are not looking for an ordinary emotional partner and want someone special.
– Those who are at the beginning of their path and are just stepping into specific jobs and fields.
– Those who are looking for financial growth and improvement through connections with special people.
– Those who are in connection with special people and have encountered challenges for which they don’t know the solutions and don’t even know if these challenges are solvable.
– People who are themselves among the special individuals and encounter wearisome problems in relationships and don’t know with whom to enter a relationship or how to manage it.
– People who are in a relationship with special individuals and it’s their first experience and don’t know how to manage the relationship.

– If you are at the beginning and just want to select these special jobs. This workshop will help you examine your path from more aspects.


Who it’s not for:
– People who don’t have a plan for a special business in the next 3 years.
– People who are not open to growth.
– People who want an ordinary or even lower-level partner.
– People who do not strive to change their situation and are stagnant.
– People who want to be employees.
– People not looking for special relationships and new experiences and a broader understanding of relationships and sex.
– People who are not willing to be educated for relationships and always blame luck or others when they lose their relationships.
– People who are themselves special, such as being narcissistic, and enter into relationships with anyone. They see the problem in the other rather than a lack of proper understanding of themselves and are not willing to understand and change that.

What to expect after purchase:
– Change in the style of friends and connections.
– Correct selection and open vision for your future career path and its impact on your relationships, personality, and future.
– Enjoyment of better and more stable relationships with special people.
– Complete training on all aspects based on readiness and acquiring skills and creating beliefs for those seeking a relationship with special people.
– Correct and appropriate recognition and management as an individual with special professional or personal characteristics.
– Training on the behavioral rules of each person in a special position or someone planning to be in such a position.


Online Workshop on How to Be Ready, Acquire Skills, and Create Beliefs for Choosing, Being, and Staying with (Special People)

1. People with special jobs:
– General physicians
– Surgeons (especially)
– Cosmetic, plastic, neuro, spinal, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons
– Pilots
– Night shift nurses and all those who have night shifts.
2. Professional athletes
3. Owners of large businesses
4. Individuals with special personality traits, such as narcissistic, histrionic, etc.